
Quizzes are one of the most powerful and popular assessment tools available with ScholarLMS. The chief reason behind that is the flexibility and automation available with this assessment tool.

Quizzes can be of various types – multiple choice questions, pictorial answer choices, progressive difficulty levels (adaptive), time limited quizzes, attempt limited quizzes and many other such variations. The responses to quizzes can be self-graded and you can automate when a learner needs to take a quiz and what happens when the learner achieves more or less than the qualifying marks.

I have a large set of questions that I want should appear randomly in my quizzes. Is that possible?

That is one of the key features of the quizzes module. You can create what is known as a question bank with a large number of questions and then you can individually pick questions from this bank in an individual quiz or you can have the quiz randomly select questions from the bank and populate a quiz automatically.

What is more – the question bank can be used by all courses within the LMS. So your effort of putting the questions once will pay you many times over when the questions are simply pulled into quizzes from other related courses as well.

To know more, take a look at this quick ‘assessment tools‘ video that gives you an idea of what assessment tools this online platform for teaching offers.

Some commonly used question types are listed below.

With the Multiple Choice question type you can create single-answer and multiple-answer questions, include pictures, sound or other media in the question and/or answer options (by inserting HTML) and weight individual answers.
In response to a question (that may include an image), the respondent selects from two options: True or False.
A list of sub-questions is provided, along with a list of answers. The respondent must “match” the correct answers with each question.
In response to a question (that may include an image), the respondent types a word or phrase. There may several possible correct answers, with different grades. Answers may or may not be sensitive to case.
Students select missing words or phrases and add them to text by dragging boxes to the correct location. Items may be grouped and used more than once.
Students drop markers onto a selected area on a background image.Unlike the Drag and drop onto image question type, there are no predefined areas on the underlying image that are visible to the student.
Students make selections by dragging text, images or both to predefined boxes on a background image. Items may be grouped.
This allows students to write at length on a particular subject and must be manually graded.
Students select a missing word or phrase from a dropdown menu. Items may be grouped and used more than once.