All-in-one Interactive Calendar

ScholarLMS features a highly versatile and interactive all-in-one calendar. This calendar can display site, course, group and/or user events in addition to assignment and quiz deadlines, chat times and other course events. There are various features this calendar supports which include: adding an event, calendar export to iCal or ics file, importing calendar into other calendars, importing multiple events, etc.

Sounds good – how does it help my students and teachers?

ScholarLMS’s interactive calendar helps your teachers/facilitators share important upcoming dates with your learners. With one glance at the calendar, they know when a submission is due, when is the next class, when is their next term-break and when do they need to take the next quiz.

As a business, the calender helps your course catalog page by showing the next course dates open for enrollment and which dates have other activities planned such as a get-together or an alumni meet. The calender’s interactive feature means that you can click on any given date and instantly know what activities are planned for that day. It is possible to color code various types of events such as global, local to the course and others – making the calendar a very handy tool.